Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 27, 2014

What a week!  We went on exchanges this week with our sister training leaders.  Sister Harris came here to Fond du lac with me while Sister Ormsby went to West Bend with Sister Reese.  I love our sister training leaders!  They work hard and are a lot of fun, plus, Sister Harris knows Fond du Lac really well because she served here before I did.  I was able to talk to her a lot about the area and the people.  We finally were able to set a baptismal date with Kelly for June 14th!!!  Yay!  She is growing so much.  We usually have a couple lessons a week with her and usually have a member with us for the lesson.  This week we had one of the lessons in the Cropper's home.  I love the Cropper's.  Sister Cropper is a returned missionary and has been such a good friend and support to Kelly.  We have focused a lot on reading the Book of Mormon with Kelly and it is so neat to see her testimony of it growing.  Also, on exchanges we did something called loaves and fishes.  It is a dinner for the needy put on by a different church but a different church is in charge of hosting it each week.  This week was our turn, so we were able to help out with that and then we had an awesome lesson with the Lennop family and Bonnel's at one of the member's homes here.  They have a cute little farm with new chicks, which the kids loved seeing!  It is really beautiful here right now!
It is neat to see how we are able to find through service.  We met a man named Skip this week who told us he has seen us at the nursing home before and asked us if we would come and visit him.  We met with him and found out that he has been to Salt Lake City and one time when he was there he went to temple square and the prophet showed him around! 
Well, we have been doing a lot of finding work lately because our teaching pool isn't very big right now.  A lot of them were out of town this week.  I feel like we did a lot of seed planting and there are definitely some strong potentials. We met with a lady named Carolyn this week who has a lot of good questions. 
Yesterday, the branch had a big picnic and we had 2 of our investigators come!  We played ultimate frisby and were able to meet some less actives we have never met before too! So that was good and it was a lot of fun. Right at the end it there was a huge down poor!  Everything got cleaned up pretty fast, haha.
I'm so grateful to be here!  It is so beautiful!  We were talking to a women in her yard one day about the beauty of God's creations and it is so true!  When you see the hills and plants and the beautiful creations all around you can't help but feel close to the Lord. 
Well, I love you!!!!!!!  The church is beautifully true!